Join the movement to ensure
Enbridge's Line 5 is shut down for good.
Line 5 FAQs
Yes, Enbridge's Line 5 threatens lands and waters around the Great Lakes, as well as the Great Lakes themselves. Enbridge's Line 5 has already spilled well over 4.5 million litres of oil and Enbridge wants to build a new pipeline tunnel underwater at the Straits of Mackinac. The Great Lakes are the drinking water for 40 million people and home to countless other creatures. We can't trust Enbridge with the future of the Great Lakes.
Resoundingly, Indigenous Nations, Tribes, and Peoples across the Great Lakes are in support of a Line 5 shutdown. Numerous Nations in the US have lawsuits against Enbridge connected to Line 5 and the Anishinaabeg Nations of so-called Canada are also calling for a Line 5 closure. They view Line 5 as an existential threat to their way of life and are explicitly calling for the protection of the Great Lakes from Enbridge's expansion plan.
No, independent research consistently shows a Line 5 shutdown would have exceedingly minimal impact on energy availability and prices. Additionally, there is enough Enbridge pipeline infrastructure already existing to move all the oil & gas moved via Line 5. You can check out the reports on our "About Line 5" page.
You can get started on our "About Line 5" page. Our action toolkit also has tons of resources to explore on our "Take Action" page.
The Great Lakes hold 84% of Turtle Island’s surface freshwater. 40 million people rely of the Great Lakes to provide drinking water and even more depend on the ecosystem services and economic opportunities they provide. Let's safeguard the future of one of the most important biospheres in the world!
Thousands of people are stepping up to stop Enbridge's Line 5 pipeline. Sign up to get updates, action alerts, and key Line 5 information to stay in the know as we work together to End Line 5.
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